Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Dont regret what have u done

19 Feb
L: Hai
P: i
L: wtpe
P: wt bodo
L: np wt bodo
P: awk wtpe
L: da mkn?
P: np xjwb soaln sy?
L: Np x jwb soaln sy?
P: soalan yg xde jwpn. wtpe nk jwb
L: owh
P: pe r
L: wt pw
P: ptog kpale
L: btl2 la
P: ptog kaen la
L: owh mnggnggu kw
P: x
L: np nie, moody ke
P: rse2
L: ye la tu
P: tw pun
L: npe?
P: sy rse da disisihkn ole org yg sy da mule x ske kt dia
P: Spe2 je
L: Sy ke?
P: tah xpe la, bia sy sorg je tw. xya tnye np
L: em. msti sy kn?
P: awk wtpe?
L: em
P: ye la mmg awk..puas!?
L: hmm
P: np lk? td tnye.. org da jwb kn
L: sy sisihkn awk ke?
P: awk rse? eh..xpe xya jwb. sy xnk tw.ok
L: em
P: trusknla dgn prangai awk tu. hti sy skit bkn awk tw
L: ape yg buat awk skit hati?
P: buat sy brtmbah rgu2 pde awk
L: Hmm
P: sy nk tw knp
L: knp ape
P: knp wt sy cmnie?
L: mksud awk cmne?
P: em knp sume bnde nk srokkn drpd sy?
L: mne ad
P: ok xnk ngaku..k, fine
L: ape yg awk nk tw?
P: psword fb awk la
L: hmm lw nk sgt, amek la..******

20 Feb
L: da puas?
P: org x buka pun la
L: hmm

23 Feb
P: awk
L: ye
P: em sorry late
L: k
P: mrahkn sy ke?
L: em
P: sy mx maaf

24 Feb
P: awk mrah sy? sy mnx maaf..
L: not reply

25 Feb
not text each other

26 Feb
still not contact...

i think this story.. that L could not text her girl anymore..
because that girl is too much ego...
then end of the story.... they still not text or contact each other..
that girl try to forget that boy and the boy continue still ignoring her girl..

p/s: for all girl.. dont selfish.. boy can get many another better girl.. except you egoist..
 dont regret what hav u done..